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Frequency Flower by cymatiste and ali.champlin

Presented at Eulerroom for LIVECODERA: a global live coding community gathering on International Women's Day 2022.

Frequency Flower is an immersive journey into a garden of overlapping frequencies.

Live coding is an improvisational artform in which performers write code on the fly to create audiovisual experiences, usually with the code visible to the audience, exposing the creative decision making happening in the moment.


In this 30 minute performance, a mesmerizing field of dots dances and morphs, unfolding intricate floral patterns that harmoniously synchronize with a live-coded musical performance by Alicia Champlin

Through the synergistic interplay of art and sound, the audience is transported to a hypnotic dimension, where natural patterns arise and fall away to give rise to fresh visualizations. With each moment, the Frequency Flower blooms anew, exploring a symbiotic relationship between mathematics, music, and visual expression. The artist and the musician are also reacting to each other’s work moment by moment and sparking new ideas in each other throughout the piece.

Live coded in Hydra (visuals) and TidalCycles (sound).

© 2023 by cymatiste. 

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